
 - leercurve
 - learning curve
 - courbe d'apprentissage
 - Lernkurve

1. Een begrip dat de verwachte ontwikkeling in de vaardigheid en de productiviteit van een persoon of een afdeling in een bepaalde tijdsduur projecteert. De leerkromme is gewoonlijk van toepassing voor de eerste twaalf tot achttien maanden van een nieuw automatiesysteem en wordt gebruikt als factor in het haalbaarheidsonderzoek en de kostenberekeningen.
2. Een planningstechniek die nuttig is voor projectgerichte industrieën waar vaak nieuwe producten in stappen worden ingevoerd. De basis voor de leerkromme-berekening is het feit dat medewerkers in staat zijn een product sneller te fabriceren naarmate ze meer aan de fabricage van dat product gewend zijn geraakt.
Bron: www.angelfire.com/ca/vlietstra/LOGISTIC.pdf

A curve reflecting the rate of improvement in performing a new task.
Source: Kennisconsult

A concept that recognizes the fact that productivity by workers improves as they become familiar with the sequence of activities involved in the production process.
Source: Max Wideman.com
Copyright: Wideman Comparative Glossary of Common Project Management Terms v3.1 is copyright by R. Max Wideman, March 2002.

In 1936 Wright (Wright, 1936) published the first learning model using data from the aircraft industry. His model has become known as the Learning Curve. Simply stated Wrights expression for the learning curve says the completion time for an airplane decreased by approximately 20% each time the number of aircraft made doubled. Over time, this has become the most familiar form of the learning curve and has been applied to both individual and group or organizational learning outcomes. In general, the learning curve states that for repetitive processes, the amount of time required to perform a task will decrease by approximately 20% as the number of times it is repeated doubles. Wrights learning curve is also called the Power Curve, Power Model, or Power Law, and is the most commonly used learning model by industrial engineers.
From an applications perspective, learning curve (LC) models are often used to predict performance of ongoing operations (Globerson, 1980). They are helpful with planning and control by estimating future performance and therefore assist in determining future resource requirements.
Bron: Maginnis, Michael Abbot, "THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PREDICTIVE PROBABILITY MODEL FOR EFFECTIVE CONTINUOUS LEARNING AND IMPROVEMENT" (2012).Theses and Dissertations--Mechanical Engineering. Paper 2. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/meetds/2

Laatst bijgewerkt: 31-03-2017
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