de drie niveaus van de organisatiecultuur

 - de drie niveaus van de organisatiecultuur
 - 3 levels of culture

Edgar Schein onderscheidt drie niveaus binnen organisatieculturen:
1. Artifacts: zichtbare structuren en processen;
2. Espoused values: doelen, strategieen en opvattingen, waarvan men zich bewust is;
3. Basic assumptions and values: onbewuste opvattingen, gedachten en gevoelens.
Met zijn "Three Levels of Culture" geeft Schein een nuttig hulpmiddel om bedrijfsculturen te definieren.
Bron: Kennisconsult

We can characterize culture as consisting of three levels (Schein 1988).
1. The most visible level is behavior and artifacts. This is the observable level of culture, and consists of behavior patterns and outward manifestations of culture: perquisites provided to executives, dress codes, level of technology utilized (and where it is utilized), and the physical layout of work spaces. All may be visible indicators of culture, but difficult to interpret. Artifacts and behavior also may tell us what a group is doing, but not why. One cartoon which captures this aspect shows two executives sitting at their desks in an office. Both have large billed black and white checked hats. One is saying to the other, "I don't know how it started, either. All I know is that it's part of our corporate culture."
2. At the next level of culture are values. Values underlie and to a large extent determine behavior, but they are not directly observable, as behaviors are. There may be a difference between stated and operating values. People will attribute their behavior to stated values.
3. To really understand culture, we have to get to the deepest level, the level of assumptions and beliefs. Schein contends that underlying assumptions grow out of values, until they become taken for granted and drop out of awareness. As the definition above states, and as the cartoon illustrates, people may be unaware of or unable to articulate the beliefs and assumptions forming their deepest level of culture.

Laatst bijgewerkt: 09-10-2014
Thema: *niet toegekend*
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